Ok, so the most important part of deciding if the lawyer is right for you is talking to the lawyer. While looking at Google Reviews and Facebook Reviews are great, don't forget that most people are more likely than not to leave a review when things don't turn out the way they want. There are other people who are amazing at leaving reviews good or bad. I like when people get positive reviews because I think they deserve recognition for their good work. But, what works for me may not work for you. Do you need an attorney that is essentially a hand holder. You need to make sure you find an attorney that is willing to communicate with you when you need, but you also need an attorney that is going to be upfront and honest about the cost of that. You don't want someone who is like yeah I will hold your hand but doesn't tell you upfront what the costs are going to be. In my Attorney Client Agreement it sets forth the costs per hour and how I bill. You know when you call how much it will be when you get off the phone. Some people don't need a lawyer to hold their hand. Some people just need the lawyer to get the job done.
A big thing that you are going to want to make sure when you meet with an attorney is that they are someone you trust and your personalities match. There is nothing worse than dealing with someone that you just clash with. As an attorney I have worked with many clients, not all have loved me, but I can tell you that my most successful ones are ones where we could communicate and have the ability to speak on respectful levels. When I first started I met two of my favorite clients/now really good friends. One of which was the FIRST client I had who I helped see her family grow and change. She has been extremely successful in life and honestly I am proud to have been able to have the chance to get to know her. Soon after came my best friend and her now husband (ok he was my client but I swear without him I would have never met my best friend). I now have the pleasure of representing some of the strongest people I know. They get knocked down but keep getting back up and one of them who I have had the privilege of being with for two years has taught me more than I can imagine. They are personalities that match up with me. They are people who understood my job as an attorney and I could balance that with seeing what is in their best interests. While there is a professional relationship, what you need to know is that if its someone who rubs you the wrong way in representing you, you aren't going to trust them.
That leads to what I think is the most important thing. Trust. As a client of mine you need to trust that I am doing what is in your best interests. This is true for any attorney you have. If you are questioning hey are they looking out for me, you cannot truly be represented by them. If there is something you don't understand or that might be a legal strategy just ask. It is our jobs as attorneys to explain the process to you, our clients. Chances are there is a legal strategy behind all of our decisions but we need to be able to explain that to you.
Keep in mind that choosing an attorney during one of the most difficult times of your life, or when you are setting up for your future, is going to be really hard. Most people haven't dealt with the court system and I am not going to lie, it is hard. That is why attorneys are available to speak to. And if you are afraid that you can't afford an attorney there are legal services such as Land of Lincoln and other Pro Bono Assistance that may potentially help. Please check those out as well.
To everyone who wants to set up a free consultation with me, during the COVID-19 time we are getting consultations that are creative. Zoom, skype, phone call. We can do it all. I'm also not adverse to speaking to people in person at my office. Do not be offended if I'm in a mask and sanitizing everything. It's for your protection because in this time, we just have to be cautious. Also I do only practice in Illinois for the time being, HOWEVER, if you need a Missouri attorney (or really any other state that isn't Illinois) let me know and I will see if I can't get you in touch with one..... at least until I have my license.